Saturday, May 23, 2009

Justin Madden: politically motivated

Justin Madden said he ignored the information about Hakki Suleyman because he thought it was “politically motivated”.

Politically motivated? Even if the Liberals are politically motivated, wouldn't you still take the concerns raised seriously, Madden? They have raised these issues since 2005.

What about the letters from concerned residents, who have been writing to Madden about these issues since 2005!? Were they too, “politically motivated”?

Politically motivated? For Labor Unity, it seems that anyone who doesn't agree with its view of the world is politically motivated. It's strangely familiar, this claim that residents are “politically motivated”. For years now, the residents of Brimbank have been putting up with Natalie Suleyman and her supporters claiming that anyone who sought to challenge or criticise her (or her father) was “politically motivated”. Now our very own Labor MPs have decided to quack from Suleyman's old hymn book: politically motivated, politically motivated – there are no rorts – it's just those dastardly politically motivated residents of Brimbank again.

For Labor Unity, it's not just the Liberals that are politically motivated. Any resident that seeks to challenge it, or expose a rort, is “politically motivated” .

Are we politically motivated because we don't like the fact that Suleyman and her cabal decided to give a soccer club with a strong association with her family a ton of public money? Are we politically motivated because we never liked or accepted the fact that Natalie's father was receiving a rent free building for many years? What about former Councillor Ken Capar and his dreadful behaviour at a conference in New Zealand? What about the Sydenham Community Centre (the one that former Councillor Zukalski headed up - and where did the $50,000+ go)? What about the Harvester Ward of the Brimbank Council - zero dollars was allocated in last year's budget as retribution against Sunshine residents who sought to expose their rorts? I could go on and on.

Politically motivated? What's the motivation? Motivated for what purpose? To bring Suleyman down for what purpose? What did the residents have to gain politically?

Politically motivated? Have they stopped to think that maybe we just want a fair go? Have they stopped to think that some of the people who wrote these letters have half a brain and maybe we just wanted the rorting to stop. HELLO! Maybe that's the motivation.

Funnily enough, many of the people who tried to get something done about the rorting at Brimbank are ex-Labor members or ex-Labor voters. Some years ago, one of them tried to join a local branch of the Labor party, but it turned out to be branch-stacked, but he didn't know it at the time. Labor played games with his membership and said he applied too late for some deadline, so they relegated him to a city branch. It seems Labor didn't really want the likes of us being members of its party. They must have thought we would have exposed the branch stacking. Of course, they were right. We would have.

Labor Unity is so blinded by its own thirst for power and by branch stackers that it can't think straight: there's an enemy behind every door, a red under every bed. Anyone who criticises or opposes it is "politically motivated".

Maybe it would help if Labor stopped getting its advice from the likes of Hakki Suleyman and Stephen Newnham.

But who really has the strongest political motivation here? It has to be Madden. He has wanted to protect his branch stacker at all costs. He only turned on him a little bit when it got too hot in the kitchen, after the Ombudsman's report was released. But even after all the evidence on Hakki, Madden is still backing him (after all, he now says that Hakki didn't interfere in council affairs, and that he was like any proud father). Madden makes me want to puke.

Madden is the one with the strongest political motivation. He is the one who has been protecting a politically motivated branch stacker for years. Now everything that comes out of his mouth has the underlying motivation of saving his own political career.

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